Mike Cargile has made it clear through his actions and words that he is more interested in spreading hate, undermining democracy, and attacking the rights of women and minorities than in serving our communities. He’s too extreme for the Inland Empire.
Here are the Facts:
Mike Cargile has routinely used his social media accounts to levy attacks and hateful rhetoric towards minority and immigrant communities. Going as far as using the N-word.
Time and time again, Mike Cargile has demonized minority members of our community. His hateful screeds on social media viciously attack immigrants, people of color, and members of the lgbt+ community. Here’s some of the things he’s had to say:
“Two illegal aliens having an anchor baby does not produce an American” - Posted to Mike Cargile’s Facebook Page, May 10, 2019
“So they want schools to teach LGBTQ history? Fine. Start with Sodom and Gomorrah.” Posted to Mike Cargile’s Facebook Page, August 29, 2019
“Everything I ever needed to learn about Islam, I learned in five minutes on 09/11/2001.” Posted to Mike Cargile’s Facebook Page, December 4, 2018.
Check the Record: Congressional candidate Mike Cargile used N-word, pushed QAnon conspiracy theories | Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Published 10/28/2020, GOP-endorsed congressional candidate used n-word in racist anti-Black rant on Facebook | Media Matters published 08/30/2020
2. Mike Cargile supports nationwide restrictive bans on women’s reproductive freedoms.
Mike Cargile has made his position on a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body explicitly clear. He will never support a women’s right to choose.
“We live in a world where… baby killers lecture us on human rights” - Posted on Mike Cargile’s Facebook page, May 31, 2019
3. Mike Cargile foments the lie that the 2020 election was not won by President Joe Biden and supported the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
On January 6, 2021, while Americans watched in shock as the nation’s Capitol was attacked, Mike Cargile was pushing the lie that led the insurrectionists to Washington D.C. Cargile was part of a group that sued to challenge the results of the 2020 election. The suit was dismissed with prejudice by Judge Andre Birotte who claimed the lawsuit amounted to “an incremental undermining of confidence in the election results.”
Check for yourself: Federal Judges tosses local lawsuit that echoed Trump claims of election fraud | The Orange County Register
Published June 15, 2021
4. Mike Cargile believes a “satanic cabal is running the world”.
Instead of focusing on the issues that matter the most to working families across the Inland Empire, Mike Cargile is more focused on if President Barack Obama needs an exorcism. Don’t take our work for it. Let Mike explain it to you himself: